Clan Q3 is an online gaming group. We play a variety
of games such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein and
Quake Wars.
New WebHost is now proudly hosted on a Rackspace Cloud Server!

Previously we were hosted with GoDaddy (VPS), but Rackspace offers us a less-expensive monthly hosting bill. The server migration has gone smooth so far, but please let the webmaster know about any problems (contact e-mail on the sidebar).
QuakeLive goes out of Beta today!
Per the official QuakeLive Twitter Feed, QuakeLive, which has been open to the public for about a year and a half at this point, is coming out of Beta after their currently ongoing upgrade. Tempesta and I have been playing over the last few months pretty consistantly, and I am hopeful they will expand the game somewhat from the classic Q3 (our namesake) game from 1998. A new level or two, and possibly a new weapon would be cool, though I won't hold my breadth for either... Anyway, haven't posted news since the Wolf 2 server went the way of Wolf 2 (which is to say "down the crapper"), so I thought I'd provide an update to the site.
A Short-Lived Server
Our Wolfenstein server has been shutdown from lack of use and interest. The new Wolfenstein game has a multiplayer component that fell far short of expectations. Very unfortunate and disappointing considering the success RTCW brought to online FPS gaming.

Perhaps another good game will come along soon. Here's hoping!
New Wolfenstein Server
With the release of the next installation of Wolfenstein, we bring you the Wolf's Den! This is your favorite clan's game server managed by our dedicated and friendly administrator Tempesta. It's a 12-slot server open to the public. The server address is Come join us in the Wolf's Den tonight!
RTCW Game Night
We've revived the RTCW Wolf's Den for a few good gaming nights! Join us this Sunday, December 14th at 9pm Eastern time for some classic Wolfenstein gaming.

We'll be running only stock maps with strict cvars. Be sure you have the latest patches for RTCW. You can download these from FileFront.

The server IP address is:
August 2025
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